If you are participating in the online forum of Ruhbaru called ‘Ruh-Chat’, then you must be 18 years of age or above. If you agree to the terms of use mentioned below, you also agree to
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Ruhbaru has the right to modify the terms of use and the terms and conditions at any time, without prior notice. The members are encouraged to read the terms of use and the
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Ruhbaru has the right to modify the terms of use and the terms and conditions at any time, without prior notice. The members are encouraged to read the terms of use and the
terms and conditions frequently to stay updated with any relevant changes. Here, you understand that you agree to be bound by the modified changes as well.
Ruhbaru offers this forum as a means for discussion and support from peers. Entering into this forum or signing up for this does not lead you to the support and guidance
of mental health professionals. Advice received from this section should not be considered as professional by any means.
In order for a moderated, respectful, healthy and safe discussion, each post will be checked by a Ruhbaru admin before being allowed to be posted on the Ruh-Chat.
To ensure that your contribution is added on the website, patience and cooperation from your side will be highly appreciated.
Any submission with abusive language, racist comments, sexual harassment or inappropriate language is strictly prohibited on Ruh-Chat. The member submitting such posts
will be banned from using any Ruhbaru services in the future. Ruhbaru reserves the right to remove any existing post or thread if it violates any terms in any manner
Ruhbaru respects your privacy. Please refer to Ruhbaru’s PRIVACY POLICY to understand your rights and responsibilities as a use of this website. By clicking on the
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